
Pride Month ends in a few days and if the past weeks and political decisions, also here in Germany (e.g. Self-Determination Act), haven’t done it yet, the current events around UEFA’s decision make it clear once again that the decisive commitment to LGBT*IQ equal opportunities has to take place 365 days a year and cannot be taken for granted.

It’s no surprise that UEFA has banned the Allianz Arena from being lit up in rainbow colors. Now it has gone one better and turned the tables. In a posting, UEFA interprets the official request by the city of Munich as a political calculation. They themselves understand the rainbow as a non-political sign that is supposed to symbolize their own basic values – the illumination of the Allianz Arena is nevertheless out of the question.

A paradoxical statement that highlights the lack of confrontation with uncomfortable truths and reverses the responsibility for the current situation. With its decision, UEFA shoots itself an own goal – despite the emphasis on political and religious neutrality – because it sets a clear political signal itself. True to the motto: profit before people (lives).

With all the points worth discussing in dealing with #Regenbogengate, however, it should be clear and there is nothing to discuss: Passing laws that deliberately further oppress marginalized people, expose them to violence and make them invisible is a political act and goes against the commitment to human dignity and fundamental rights.

The lighting of the Allianz Arena could have been an important sign for LGBT*IQ people in Hungary, Poland, Germany and worldwide. A sign of solidarity and hope, which, however, must also be followed by action.


As a foundation, we therefore also call on the companies involved in the EM to continue to exert pressure, not only today, but every day to show edge and attitude, to position themselves and to draw consequences in the respective countries. Words must be followed by deeds and the commitment for LGBTIQ must be intensified. Because LGBTIQ rights are human rights that are not negotiable.

Finally, a suggestion on the many great ways already mentioned to make the rainbow visible in the stadium tonight: Can’t the sponsor companies like Booking.com, Lieferando, VW, Heineken, FedEx, etc. spontaneously adjust their perimeter advertising?

We are curious about tonight and further reactions and look forward to an interesting and fair game of both teams.

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