International Day Against Violence Against Women

Internationaler Tag gegen Gewalt an Frauen

November 25 marks International Day Against Violence Against Women.

It needs to be mentioned, that all people that are read as women can be affected by patriarchal violence.

Domestic and sexual violence against women and girls is still one oft he most common violations of human rights to this day. In the last few years, the numbers have relentlessly risen.

“In Germany, every woman experiences sexual or physical violence at least once in her life; approximately every fourth woman experiences bodily or sexual harm.”

Every hour, 13 women, girls or people that are commonly read female experience domestic violence. The majority of these cases is never brought to court. Not every experience of discrimination is the same. Comparisons should not be made. Nevertheless, it should be noted that certain marginalised people experience a double burden (intersectionality), for example, people with disabilities, or the oppression of lesbian women with lived experience at the intersection of sexism and homophobia.

Germanwide consultation and help for the ones affected:

  • Hilfetelefon (17 languages): 08 000 116 016,
  • Polizei: 110
  • Heimwegtelefon: 030 12074182
  • Opfer-Telefon: 116 006,

Learn more helpful information
and contact points around the topic ‘Domestic Violence’. (German only)