International Non-binary People’s Day has been held on July 14 since 2012. The date falls exactly between International Women’s Day in March and International Men’s Day in November. The day aims to raise awareness of the realities of life for non-binary people and to make issues visible that non-binary people face worldwide.
The terms non-binary, abinary, and genderqueer describe gender identities used by people who locate themselves outside the binary gender system. This includes, for example, agender, demigender and genderfluid people. Non-binary people can also be trans. However, trans people do not automatically assign themselves to a non-binary gender identity.
The symbolism behind the colors of the Non-binary flag:
- Yellow represents locating outside the binary gender system.
- White represents people who identify with multiple genders.
- Purple represents gender fluidity.
- Black represents people who do not identify with any gender.
Jo Labecka (NO PRONOUNS)
PROUT AT WORK-Foundation, Strategy & Corporate Partners
How do you identify and what does that mean to you?
I identify as genderqueer. For me, gender is a performance and a fluid continuum rather than a rigid, binary construct. Accordingly, I see myself outside of the binary system and feel the concept is artificial.
What are your experiences as a non-binary person?
I see my coming out as genderqueer as a kind of social work. An act that contributes to confronting people with the topic of being non-binary for the first time, so that they can deal with it. It is a process of self-discovery, as I discover new aspects of my identity over time and communicate accordingly to those around me. It is not an easy task because many still have little understanding of this topic. That means to show oneself again and again authentically and thus vulnerable, and thus also to have to come to terms with the fact that some try to deny my identity.
How can non-binary people be supported?
In any case, accept the new name of the non-binary person without expressing preference for the use of the old name. If certain pronoun usage is preferred, strive to follow that. In general, do not deny the existence of the non-binary identity, even if the concept is not comprehensible.

Tips and recommendations
10 Ways To Step Up As An Ally For Non-binary People
Young People Are Taking Control Over Their Gender Identity
Interviews with non-binary Accenture employees (DE)
Learn more about LGBT*IQ in our little LGBT*IQ ABC about terms like gender identity,
sexual orientation or gender expression.